Office of Information Services - Application Programming

References - Benton date

Subject: monthly reports - passing the date
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000
From: kathy sanley
To: barbara winter, jan woody

Ok, I think I have your NEW.MONTH UPDATE stuff fixed.

The problem is that when you pass an argument to a Benton job in the format MM/YY, where YY is less than 60, Benton assumes you are trying set a time to schedule a job using the military format HH:MM (it converts the / to a : for its purpose).

I changed it so that you will need to enter the calendar month in format MM and then in another prompt the calendar year in format YY. The paragraph will then put it together.

Let me know if you have more problems with it.



Programmers: please note this problem FYI - ks

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