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Tuberculosis Screening Survey

State of Kansas regulations require new students to complete a four question survey to assess risk factors for tuberculosis.
Contact the Bryant Student Health Center at 620-235-4452 with questions or concerns. Please respond to the following four questions.

1: Have you ever had a TB (Tuberculosis) skin test with positive results?


2: Have you lived with, or had close contact with anyone who was sick with Tuberculosis?


3: Were you born, or have you traveled or lived 3 consecutive months in any country where tuberculosis is considered endemic?
    (If uncertain, refer to list of Endemic Countries in this link.) Endemic Country List


4: Are you currently experiencing signs or symptoms of active tuberculosis?
    (Persistent cough, weight loss, night sweats, chest pain, fever, shortness of breath, or swollen glands for longer than 2 weeks)


* Required to save and continue.