// ***** -------------------- ***** // ***** web_app_about.js ***** // ***** -------------------- ***** $(document).on("click", '#btnContinue', function() { if(typeof psuGrid != "undefined") { var vm = String.fromCharCode(253); var actTestDates = []; var actCompositeScores = []; var actMathScores = []; var actScienceScores = []; var actEnglishScores = []; var actReadingScores = []; var psuGridUID = 'grdWAAAct'; var arrActRows = psuGrid.getRows(psuGridUID); for(var i in arrActRows) { var row = arrActRows[i]; actTestDates.push(row["TEST.DATE"]); actCompositeScores.push(row["COMPOSITE.SCORE"]); actMathScores.push(row["MATH.COMPONENT.SCORE"]); actScienceScores.push(row["SCIENCE.COMPONENT.SCORE"]); actEnglishScores.push(row["ENGLISH.COMPONENT.SCORE"]); actReadingScores.push(row["READING.COMPONENT.SCORE"]); } $("input[name='ACT.TEST.DATES']").val(actTestDates.join(vm)); $("input[name='ACT.COMPOSITE.SCORES']").val(actCompositeScores.join(vm)); $("input[name='ACT.MATH.SCORES']").val(actMathScores.join(vm)); $("input[name='ACT.SCIENCE.SCORES']").val(actScienceScores.join(vm)); $("input[name='ACT.ENGLISH.SCORES']").val(actEnglishScores.join(vm)); $("input[name='ACT.READING.SCORES']").val(actReadingScores.join(vm)); var satTestDates = []; var satMathScores = []; var satReadingScores = []; var psuGridUID = 'grdWAASat'; var arrSatRows = psuGrid.getRows(psuGridUID); for(var i in arrSatRows) { var row = arrSatRows[i]; satTestDates.push(row["TEST.DATE"]); satMathScores.push(row["MATH.COMPONENT.SCORE"]); satReadingScores.push(row["CRITICAL.READING.COMPONENT.SCORE"]); } $("input[name='SAT.TEST.DATES']").val(satTestDates.join(vm)); $("input[name='SAT.MATH.SCORES']").val(satMathScores.join(vm)); $("input[name='SAT.READING.SCORES']").val(satReadingScores.join(vm)); } var arrSSN = []; $("input[name='SSN']").each(function () { if($.trim($(this).val()) != "") { arrSSN.push($(this).val()); } }); // Comment out the following to prevent the SSN // message from displaying in the ABOUT ME // section of the web app following pressing // SAVE, if the SSN has been populated. // Colby - 16 Sept 2014 // if(arrSSN != 3) { // arrSSN = []; // } // var ssn = arrSSN.join('-'); // var dom = $("#DOM").val(); // if(ssn == "" && dom == '1') { // $.ajax({ // url: '/FAQ2JS', // type: 'get', // data: {FAQ: 'Q000274'}, // success: function(result) { // result = $.trim(result); // if(confirm(result)) { // $("#frmAbout").submit(); // } // } // }); // } else { $("#frmAbout").submit(); // } }); $(document).on("change", "select[name='PRIM.LANG.ENG']", function() { if($(this).val() == 'N') { $("#divSectionBottom").show(); } else { $("#divSectionBottom").hide(); } }); $(document).on("focus", ".toeflField", function() { $('#radEngReqToefl').attr("checked", true); }); $(document).on("focus", ".ieltsField", function() { $('#radEngReqIelts').attr("checked", true); }); //$(document).on("focus", ".satField", function() { // $('#radEngReqSat').attr("checked", true); //}); //$(document).on("focus", ".actField", function() { // $('#radEngReqAct').attr("checked", true); //}); // DIALOG FOR SAT GRID function func_grdWAASat(rowID) { $("#radEngReqSat").attr("checked", true); var dialogFuncs = new DialogFuncs(); function dlgFlds_grdWAASat() { var arr = []; arr.push({id: "txtSatTestDate", ref: "TestDate"}); arr.push({id: "txtSatMathComponentScore", ref: "MathComponentScore"}); arr.push({id: "txtSatCriticalReadingComponentScore", ref: "CriticalReadingComponentScore"}); return dialogFuncs.generateString(arr); } var dialog = $('
').appendTo('body'); dialog.dialog({ title: "SAT Test Information", width: "auto", height: "auto", open: function() { }, close:function(event, ui){ eval(dlgFlds_grdWAASat()); dialogFuncs.resetFormElements($fields); dialogFuncs.resetValidation($fields); dialog.remove(); }, buttons: [ { text: "Continue", click:function(){ eval(dlgFlds_grdWAASat()); dialogFuncs.resetValidation($fields); if($valTestDate == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter a Test Date.', $objTestDate); return; } if($valMathComponentScore == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter a Math Component Score.', $objMathComponentScore); return; } if($valCriticalReadingComponentScore == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter a Critical Reading Component Score.', $objCriticalReadingComponentScore); return; } var targetRowID = ''; if(rowID) { targetRowID = rowID; } else { targetRowID = 'id' + guid(true); } var links = ''; links += ''; links += 'Edit'; links += ''; links += '  '; links += ''; links += 'Delete'; links += ''; var psuGridUID = 'grdWAASat'; var rowData = {}; rowData["ACTIONS"] = links; rowData["TEST.DATE"] = $valTestDate; rowData["MATH.COMPONENT.SCORE"] = $valMathComponentScore; rowData["CRITICAL.READING.COMPONENT.SCORE"] = $valCriticalReadingComponentScore; if(rowID) { psuGrid.updateRow(psuGridUID, rowData, targetRowID); } else { psuGrid.addRow(psuGridUID, rowData, targetRowID); } dialog.dialog("close"); } }, { text: "Cancel", click: function() { dialog.dialog("close"); } }], modal:true }); var loadURL = "/web.app.about?" + Math.random(); loadURL += "&MODE=DIALOG.SAT"; if(rowID) { var psuGridUID = 'grdWAASat'; var rowData = psuGrid.getRow(psuGridUID, rowID); for(var i in rowData) { var val = rowData[i]; loadURL += '&' + i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); } } dialog.load(loadURL, function(responseText, textStatus,XMLHttpRequest){ dialogFuncs.centerFixedNewWin(dialog); }); } //DIALOG FOR ACT GRID function func_grdWAAAct(rowID) { $("#radEngReqAct").attr("checked", true); var dialogFuncs = new DialogFuncs(); function dlgFlds_grdWAAAct() { var arr = []; arr.push({id: "txtActTestDate", ref: "TestDate"}); arr.push({id: "lstActCompositeScore", ref: "CompositeScore"}); arr.push({id: "lstActMathComponentScore", ref: "MathComponentScore"}); arr.push({id: "lstActScienceComponentScore", ref: "ScienceComponentScore"}); arr.push({id: "lstActEnglishComponentScore", ref: "EnglishComponentScore"}); arr.push({id: "lstActReadingComponentScore", ref: "ReadingComponentScore"}); return dialogFuncs.generateString(arr); } var dialog = $('
').appendTo('body'); dialog.dialog({ title: "ACT Test Information", width: "auto", height: "auto", open: function() { }, close:function(event, ui){ eval(dlgFlds_grdWAAAct()); dialogFuncs.resetFormElements($fields); dialogFuncs.resetValidation($fields); dialog.remove(); }, buttons: [ { text: "Continue", click:function(){ eval(dlgFlds_grdWAAAct()); dialogFuncs.resetValidation($fields); if($valTestDate == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter a Test Date.', $objTestDate); return; } if($valCompositeScore == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter a Composite Score.', $objCompositeScore); return; } if($valEnglishComponentScore == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter an English Component Score.', $objEnglishComponentScore); return; } if($valMathComponentScore == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter a Math Component Score.', $objMathComponentScore); return; } if($valReadingComponentScore == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter a Reading Component Score.', $objReadingComponentScore); return; } if($valScienceComponentScore == '') { dialogFuncs.displayError('Enter a Science Component Score.', $objScienceComponentScore); return; } var targetRowID = ''; if(rowID) { targetRowID = rowID; } else { targetRowID = 'id' + guid(true); } var links = ''; links += ''; links += 'Edit'; links += ''; links += '  '; links += ''; links += 'Delete'; links += ''; var psuGridUID = 'grdWAAAct'; var rowData = {}; rowData["ACTIONS"] = links; rowData["TEST.DATE"] = $valTestDate; rowData["COMPOSITE.SCORE"] = $valCompositeScore; rowData["MATH.COMPONENT.SCORE"] = $valMathComponentScore; rowData["SCIENCE.COMPONENT.SCORE"] = $valScienceComponentScore; rowData["ENGLISH.COMPONENT.SCORE"] = $valEnglishComponentScore; rowData["READING.COMPONENT.SCORE"] = $valReadingComponentScore; if(rowID) { psuGrid.updateRow(psuGridUID, rowData, targetRowID); } else { psuGrid.addRow(psuGridUID, rowData, targetRowID); } dialog.dialog("close"); } }, { text: "Cancel", click: function() { dialog.dialog("close"); } }], modal:true }); var loadURL = "/web.app.about?" + Math.random(); loadURL += "&MODE=DIALOG.ACT"; if(rowID) { var psuGridUID = 'grdWAAAct'; var rowData = psuGrid.getRow(psuGridUID, rowID); for(var i in rowData) { var val = rowData[i]; loadURL += '&' + i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); } } dialog.load(loadURL, function(responseText, textStatus,XMLHttpRequest){ dialogFuncs.centerFixedNewWin(dialog); }); } function guid() { function _p8(s) { var p = (Math.random().toString(16)+"000000000").substr(2,8); return s ? "-" + p.substr(0,4) + "-" + p.substr(4,4) : p ; } var res = _p8() + _p8(true) + _p8(true) + _p8(); if(arguments.length == 1) { if(arguments[0] === true) { res = res.replace(new RegExp('-', 'g'), '') } } return res; } //Edit link of Sat Grid $(document).on("click", "a[id^='lnkSatEdit_']", function(){ var rowID = $(this).attr('id').split('_').pop(); func_grdWAASat(rowID); }); //Delete link of Sat Grid $(document).on("click", "a[id^='lnkSatDelete_']", function(){ if(!confirm('Are you sure?')) { return; } var rowID = $(this).attr('id').split('_').pop(); var psuGridUID = 'grdWAASat' psuGrid.deleteRow(psuGridUID, rowID) }); //Edit link of Act Grid $(document).on("click", "a[id^='lnkActEdit_']", function(){ var rowID = $(this).attr('id').split('_').pop(); func_grdWAAAct(rowID); }); //Delete link of Act Grid $(document).on("click", "a[id^='lnkActDelete_']", function(){ if(!confirm('Are you sure?')) { return; } var rowID = $(this).attr('id').split('_').pop(); var psuGridUID = 'grdWAAAct' psuGrid.deleteRow(psuGridUID, rowID) });