Online Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions:

Where are the instructions for using Online Enrollment?
If I'm in the honors college, will I be able to enroll a day early?
What is an Advisement Number?
I am having problems printing the schedule, what do I do?
Why do I keep getting this "Data Missing" page?
Can I use Lynx to enroll?

GUS Frequently Asked Questions


If I'm in the honors college, will I be able to enroll a day early?

Yes. You will be allowed to enroll with the class above you; we do check for enrollment in the honors college.

What is an Advisement Number?

An Advisement Number is a randomly generated number that your advisor will give you prior to enrollment. When you see your advisor during the days or weeks prior to enrollment opening, they may give you this number. Your advisor may want to enroll you. Instead of giving you an Advisement Number your advisor will then enroll you on your day to enroll. You need an Advisement Number, in addition to a GusPIN if you want to enroll in classes for the upcoming semester.

Can I use Lynx to enroll?

Yes, but you must use a version of Lynx that supports cookies. We use cookies to help identify an active GUS session, and versions of Lynx prior to 2.7.2 do not support cookies. You can use Lynx, if you are on-campus, by telneting to, log in using your email userid and password, and they type "lynx" at the "$" prompt. If you are off-campus, you can obtain a copy of Lynx, to use on your home PC in conjunction with your own dial-up Internet Service, from the following url: We do not provide assistance in the installation or configuration of this software package.


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